Daycare playground shade canopy

As everyone knows, summertime in Texas can be unbearably hot, and even a 30-second walk outside can be excruciating. We also know that small children enjoy playing and running outside, which is unsafe throughout the majority of the Texas summer months. As a result, daycares end up letting the kids spend some time outside in the morning and then keeping them inside for the remainder of the day.

Given how hot it gets in the afternoon, I am glad they take the kids outside to play in the morning. These temperatures can be quite harmful to small children. It is always advisable to stay indoors for playtime to avoid the excessive heat.

This article discusses daycare playground shade canopy as a way to keep kids from direct sunlight while playing outside in Texas and other regions with similar summertime climates.

My Experience with Texas heat

When I go to work, I normally park in the parking lot across the street from my office building and race down the road while soaking my face with my water bottle; nonetheless, I still get sticky and hot once inside. It takes me roughly three minutes to walk from my car to the building. This gives you a sense of how hot it is throughout the summer months. If you reside in Texas, I am sure you can relate.

Needless to say, the Texas heat is downright terrible. Now if you are thinking of moving here, don’t let that scare you. Texas is a great state with really friendly people. We just have crazy summer temperatures and a lot of traffic but come on down y’all lol.

Walking on the curb
Credit: Freepik

Why A playground shade canopy is necessary

The issue here is that even those morning temperatures can be quite hot and with the sun rising earlier during summer months, 9 am heat starts to feel like afternoon heat.

I believe that having large playground shades covering the entire playground would help shield the children from direct sunlight and heat in the morning while also preventing the play structure, which is typically built of metal, from overheating. This is a good read article that discusses the impact of heat on human health.

Guideline for selecting a daycare

I have seen some daycare playgrounds with shades around my area, but only a few. So this can be one of the things parents consider before choosing a daycare.

Children playing at the playground

Gym room in daycare

Having an indoor gym room at the daycare is another smart option to get the kids moving during the summer months. A room filled with entertaining and secure kid-friendly exercise equipment that lets them run, jump, and play safely. Most parents and children would agree that this is a fantastic concept for a daycare center.

Gym room for kids at daycare

Final thoughts

Given how hot it gets so quickly in the morning, a canopy shade would be ideal for daycare playgrounds.

Although daycares can choose whether or not to install Playground shade, I think that Texas’s daycare regulations should look into making them mandatory.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Check out this post on How to choose the right daycare for your family.

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